Sunday, June 7, 2015

Get a Head Start for Fall Semester!

Are You Ready for the English Placement Test?

Spending some time preparing for the AWE can help you place into a higher English class here at Mt. SAC. 

Give yourself a head start for fall semester by taking an AWE workshop at the Writing Center! 

The AWE workshop will help you by reviewing essay structure, teaching you brainstorming and planning techniques, and giving you some insight on what to expect during the AWE. 

So don't wait! Sign up for an AWE workshop at the WC today!
Monday 6/8 from 5-6:30
Tuesday 6/9 from 2-3:30
Monday 6/15 from 10-11:30
Tuesday 6/16 from 10-11:30
Wednesday 6/17 from 2-3:30
Thursday 6/18 from 3-4:30

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Writing Center is Open for One More Week!

Don't miss out on one last chance to visit the WC this semester!

Need an appointment? Go to 
or call (909) 274-5325.

Online tutoring is also available!
(First time using online tutoring? Register your account here.)