Like our tutoring service, The Writing Center's workshops are aimed at improving students' writing skills in conjunction with what they are learning in their courses. Our workshops are offered on a repetitive basis throughout the academic year and are taught by Writing Center staff or English Instructors. Students can choose from the following workshops:
- APA Style
- Developing Your Sentence Style
- Easy Steps to a Great Thesis
- Fixing Fragments, Run-ons, and Comma Splices
- How to Write an Essay in Two Hours (Timed Writing)
- Keys to Better Paragraphs
- MLA Documentation and Citation (Research Workshop Part III)
- On Course: Success Strategies for Writing
- Overcoming Writer's Block: Tips for Getting Started
- Plan Your Essay in Three Easy Steps
- Starting Your Research(Research Workshop Part I)
- Using Quotations and Paraphrases Effectively (Research Workshop Part II)
- Writing the Personal Statement (located in the Career and Transfer Center, Bldg. 9B)
After attending a workshop, one student reported, "I understand that the most important key to success is preparation. This is something that I have struggled with for a long time (i.e., procrastination) but I believe that this workshop helped mold me into a better student." Come to a workshop and see for yourself!
Workshops are FREE to all Mt. SAC students and are 60-75 minutes. All workshops, with the exception of The Personal Statement, are located in The Writing Center's computer classrooms inside Bldg. 26B, 1561A. Please call 909.594.5611 x5325 for more information or to sign up for a specific workshop. Click here for a calendar and workshop descriptions: http://www.mtsac.edu/instruction/humanities/writingcenter/writing-workshops.html
All workshops are supported by a Title V grant.
~Posted by Nicole Blean